Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Before you Facebook, TXT, Tweet, or Blog.... THINK

I started thinking today after getting a comment on my
Before You Speak: THINK posters that our kids today 
{and many adults too}
 really need to heed that same advice before posting 
things on Facebook or texting or Tweeting or blogging.

I big puffy heart technology but the immediacy of it can truly be a serious danger. 
It's so easy to pop off and say something without thinking when 
upset or angry or excited without pausing to consider if it's wise or hurtful.

So I made a new sign just to remind us all!
{myself included}
Before You Fb Txt Tw or Blog

On the Topics of Software, Average Users and User Friendliness

The term "average user" is something you hear thrown around a lot with regards to software. Pro-Linux, on the desktop, people often make claims on why it Linux ready for this "average user" (shoot even I've done it on occasion). There are also those who feel Linux should be pigeon-holed into a server room and on to mobile devices, they will make the exact opposite claim. They say Linux on the desktop isn't ready for this "average user".

My question to you all is:

Who is this "Average User"?

I've often been told I am not one of these "average users" because I create and distribute software. Who is then? Is my brother the level designer an "average user"? Is my fiancée the accountant an "average user"? Is my mother the tutor an "average user"? What exactly is the criteria to be in the group of people so many seem to be trying so desperately to make software for?

Often hand-in-hand with this idea of an "average user" is the concept of "user friendliness". In fact a drive to make our user interfaces even more "user friendly" is what has caused the radical changes in the Gnome desktop (and of course the creation of Unity).

What is "User Friendly"?

From what I can gather, something is only "user friendly" if an "average user" can sit down in front of it and do exactly what they want with zero direction.

Where on earth did this idea come from?

When you first learned algebra - was it expected to be something you could just "figure out" with no guidance? How about learning a language? Science? History?

Why is the standard different for learning software?

Actually, I take that last question back. There are lots of classes for learning about software. I've seen classes for learning how to use Windows, Photoshop, Microsoft Office... the list goes on! Are these pieces of software considered "user friendly" and ready for the "average user" even though we offer classes to learn how to use them? Yep.

Why is the standard different for Linux then?

Some food of thought. Please give me some input on any/all of my questions by dropping a comment below.

~Jeff Hoogland

iPad Apps for Lawyers: iJury for Voir Dire

Reprinted with permission from the Jan. 19, 2012 issue of Law Technology News. ©2012 ALM Media Properties, LLC.


After alengthy trial and engaging voir dire without computer assistance, Orlando,Fla.-based attorney Lawrence Williamson teamed up with computer technician SeanHam (who assisted Williamson with trial logistics and document management) tocome up with iJury, an affordable iPadapp that would enable attorneys to "concentrate on the art of voir direand move away from the excessive note taking and paper shuffling."

Digitalconvergence is an admirable charge for any app and fits well with the iPadvision. I've reviewed several apps designed for jury selection (voir dire) andmonitoring and, although they all appear to be helpful, the fiercest competitorto iPad apps remains the venerable Post-it® Notes.

Some thingsjust seem to work better the old-fashioned way. Perhaps one reason is thatentering data on the iPad, although it can be comprehensive, takes most of uslonger than scribbling on sticky notes. While it is likely just a simple matterof adjusting your work flow to input data on the iPad, I still see more peopleusing the familiar little yellow squares than apps such as iJuror, JuryTracker, JuryDuty,or even full-feature software applications such as JuryBox.

One thingsticky notes can't do is perform data analysis, but that is true of most iPadapps for voir dire. Most apps do a decent job of storing and retrieving jurorinformation, but don't do much in the way of looking at the big picture. iJuryis different. Once you've entered personal information on each juror, you'reable to view the bigger picture, literally, in a series of dynamic charts.These bar charts indicate trends in your jury pool, including overallindications of positive, negative or neutral scores for your case, as well as adesktop view of a jury's gender and racial balance and socioeconomic status.

Figure 1

Figure 1shows a high-altitude view of iJury that can help flag potential issues withyour currently seated panel of jurors. Additionally, a sample set of commonvoir dire questions is included, which may be scored positively or negativelyfor each juror according to their responses -- and you have the option to addyour own questions.

Figure 2

LaunchingiJury the first time brings up a nice tutorial video, which you may also viewonline. I thought this was a nice touch, allowing you to get a quick feel ofwhat the app is all about and how to handle each task. The video can also beaccessed again later by tapping the "Info" icon in the Case browser.

Figure 3

Incomparison to other apps for jury selection, iJury requires a similar amount ofinput for each potential juror, and focuses only on the currently seated panelvis-a-vis the entire jury pool. When using the iPad in this manner you wouldcertainly want to enter all of your juror information ahead of time from theirresponses to your questionnaire.

Figure 4

Overall,iJury appears to be a nice alternative for iPad-wielding attorneys and trialconsultants looking to clean up the counsel table and keep it free from stickynotes during voir dire. And at only $14.99, it won't break the bank.


Manufacturer: Dynamis Law
Product: iJury for iPad
Price: $14.99

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Arguments for a Universal Health Record

We passed the one thousand mark on products certified as EHR technologies for ambulatory care and the five hundred mark for inpatient care, and there is no relief in sight. In addition, there are multiple other software products that are routinely used in health care, such as standalone practice management and billing systems, claim processing software, pharmacy programs, lab, imaging and other diagnostics software, personal health records products, and more recently a veritable explosion in mobile applications ranging from monitoring your heart to evaluating your happiness. I don’t know of any other industry where so many disparate software packages are able to communicate and cooperate with each other seamlessly, and yet this is the goal of the gargantuan effort of those who develop interoperability standards in health care. If you’ve ever been involved in software systems integration, you probably know all too well that the weakest and most unstable link is always at the interface between products, even those built by the same vendor, regardless of the agreed upon standard. When it comes to seamless operations and cost effectiveness, nothing beats true database level integration.

For those who read this and have an irresistible kneejerk reaction tempting them to cite examples such as ATM networks, telephone networks, Google or email, please understand that this is an apples to unicorns comparison. Assuming that our ultimate goal is to have all health records for all people available at all geographic locations at all times, is weaving a web of rickety interfaces between thousands of products, really the best option? It is, if you sell existing, or enabling, technology for this arrangement, and it is not, if you intend to use, or pay for, the end solution.

The usual arguments against a Universal Health Record, and its scary database in the sky, are that we must build on existing infrastructure; that rip-and-replace is cost prohibitive; that a free market should provide as many choices as possible; and that privacy is best served by keeping data close to home, and certainly out of the hands of Big Government. Sounds pretty reasonable. What if we dig a bit below the surface though?

Medical Records
  • Assumption: At any given moment in time there can be only one correct version of a complete medical record for any one person
  • Fact: Currently, various parts of the medical record are stored at various locations, by various organizations, in various formats
  • Fact: Most organizations possess unique content, but also content overlapping with what others store, containing multiple discrepancies and various errors
  • Observation: Using partial medical records for provision of care could be desirable, inconsequential, dangerous or lethal, depending on which parts are missing
  • Observation: There is conceptually no reliable way to know whether parts of the medical record are missing at the point of care, let alone ascertain the criticality of missing parts
Health Information Exchange (HIE), as its name indicates, is intended to shuffle fragments of the medical record from one organization to another just in time to inform the provision of care. The government and various other organizations are diligently working on standardizing the contents, the format and the means by which medical records data is communicated. Since the thousands of software programs deployed in health care all store data in different formats, using different data dictionaries, different storage systems and different terminology, it is envisioned that each system will have some sort of transformer at its edge that will translate the inner workings of the system before sending information out, and execute the reverse procedure before letting outside information in. Once the standards are finalized, all technology vendors will be building (or buying) such “transformers” and everybody will be communicating seamlessly. Could it really be that simple?


Unlike banking, where managing a checking account at your local bank does not require immediate information on your Cayman Islands holdings, medical care operates on a single record set of data elements. Since this record set is being altered at various care facilities, health information exchange must continuously reconcile the data elements. So for example, let’s say that you visit your primary care doctor complaining of chest pain and he diagnoses gastrointestinal disease and prescribes antacids, but you are still concerned and decide to see a cardiologist in the city, who diagnoses angina. Shortly after visiting the cardiologist office you get hit by a bus and end up in the local ER. Was your cardiologist aware that you have been complaining of chest pain for the last 20 years, angina was repeatedly ruled out in spite of your concerns that Aunt Mary also has angina, and antacids always worked for you? Is the ER aware that you just got diagnosed with angina and have a shiny NitroMist sample in the backseat of your car? Is your primary care doc going to be appraised of your adventures?  In a world of perfect information exchange the answer is yes to all questions.

However, perfect information exchange in this case requires that your primary care physician pushed your medical records out to the cardiologist, including your fixation with angina and Big Macs, or that the cardiologist was able to locate your primary care records and pull the information in. It also requires that the ER was able to obtain your primary care records from back home, any other medical records from other providers and also the very recent cardiologist records and combine all those data points in one authoritative record set. This reconciliation process would occur every time you seek care and every time you, or other diagnostic facilities and eventually devices, update your records in any fashion. And these transactions will have to execute without a unique patient identifier just for you, and while processing and propagating privacy rules which may differ between various care providers and exchange intermediaries.

Now imagine millions of people with similar needs, and you have many millions of transactions flying around back and forth between thousands of software programs executing in hundreds of thousands of locations, from industrial strength data centers to the lonely Dell server under the printer in a doctor’s office. Yes, the contents will be standardized by those edge transformers, but every relay, every handshake, every acknowledgement and every translation back and forth to the native software program constitutes a point of possible failure, and every reconciliation of multiple messages from disparate sources is an error waiting to happen.  In computer land errors don’t usually wait for too long before they happen, and this has nothing to do with lack of standards. Sending applications lose connectivity intermittently and go into a peculiar state of limbo. Receiving applications often get stuck on one bad message, creating huge processing queues on the other end. Messages mysteriously disappear only to be found in a log file or another patient’s chart. Every new release is always an adventure. This is how things are today, with only a fraction of the envisioned number of transactions in the brave new world of a seamlessly connected health care system.

The Power of One

The alternative to having a flimsy system with a multitude of moving parts is to have one unified database system, with one architecture and one schema definition. This does not necessarily mean one EHR. We could of course have a single EHR built on top of this database system, but for those concerned with innovation, free markets and with the problematic one size fits all approach, by all means, let’s build thousands of EHRs with user interfaces and functionality to fit every individual preference, all accessing the same exact database, containing the same exact records. This Universal Health Record will be, by definition, complete and correct at all times, since all health care applications will be built on top of this database, much like browsers are built on top of the World Wide Web. Switching EHRs should be as simple and straightforward as changing from Firefox to Chrome, not to mention how happy the folks advocating substitutable applications instead of walled gardens would be. Oh, and the sum total of investment in a homogeneous data infrastructure is dwarfed by the various other public and private initiatives, all ultimately funded by tax payers.

The 800 pounds gorilla in the room is of course privacy and to a much lesser extent security. A medical database system of this magnitude would have to be built and administered by the Federal Government. Patients would have to be uniquely identified in the system. Granted such Universal Health Record would accessorize well with a universal health care system, but let’s face it, if you are on Medicare or Medicaid, the government already has your medical records. Private payers have mega databases chockfull of medical records and so do EHR companies and pharmacies. Your data is being constantly de-identified, sold, re-identified and exploited for financial profit. Once the planned information exchange network kicks in, a host of State and private agencies will also begin building their own repositories of medical records. The privacy horse has left the barn, and the best we can do now is regulate the use of what was once private. At a minimum, the Universal Health Records database will ensure that you can see everything everybody else is seeing and have some say in its accuracy and utilization, which is orders of magnitudes better that the alternative.

Before you Speak: THINK {again}

I'm pretty sure the Before You Speak: Think 
poster is the most printed one I've ever made.

It's pretty bright- which isn't everyone's cup of tea- 
so this morning I decided to do one in black/gray 
for anyone who finds that one just a tad too much. 

I also made one in my typical primary colors for those that like that better. 
Such wise words we all need to remember.....at home, at school, at work- always! 


If you have any trouble downloading these, just right click on the image, 
save it, and print it as a JPG!

Before You Speak Think-3Before You Speak Think2

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Consider the Source

If I had a dollar for each time I said the words "Consider the source" 
I'd be able to take my family on a super snazzy vacation.  

I say it often to my students, to my sweet daughter, and to my friends. 
 I found myself saying it often on Friday to a sweet friend who 
was very upset by something someone had said to her.  

In our conversation I kept reminding her that this person who said the hurtful things
 was someone who was known for causing trouble- 
who in fact seemed to actually enjoy upsetting people.  

I decided I'd like to have this hanging in my classroom as a reminder 
to me and to my students that before we assign value to something someone has said 
we need to consider who it is doing the speaking.  

Here it is in case you also need the reminder! 
Consider the Source

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bloathi Linux

Bodhi Linux is mainly built around two things - the Enlightenment desktop and a minimalistic approach to software. Even with these goals stated we still have users (and review writers) that complain about the lack of pre-installed software Bodhi comes with by default.

With this in mind one of the Bodhi forum members, Timmy, has put together a remaster of the latest Bodhi ISO image that he has cleverly called

"Bloathi Linux" 

Bloathi is simply the latest Bodhi release with a slew of pre-installed software setup on it. By default it comes with:

GEdit (Replaces Leafpad)
Jockey-GTK (Maybe better known as "Hardware Drivers")
LXKeyMap (Keyboard Layout Switcher)
LXRandr (Monitor Settings)
Sun Java 6 (JRE and plugin)
Gnome System Monitor
Gnome System Manager
Simple Scan
Adobe Acrobat Reader

You can find the ISO (and md5sum) for the disc hosted on source forge here. If you'd like to make suggestions for Timmy, you can find a forum thread he has posted here.

~Jeff Hoogland

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bodhi Linux ARM Beta Release for Genesi Smartbook

Much to my fiancée's dismay my little Genesi Smartbook has been occupying much of my time of the late. In fact, just six days ago I posted about how to get an early build of a Bodhi ARM file system for the Smartbook.

Today I am happy to announce a more functional release for the Genesi. Audio now works and permissions have been sorted out so the normal user can shutdown the system. Beyond these bug fixes this release (and future releases) are coming in an easier install media. We will now be providing two different .img files for the Smartbook, you can find them for download here.

One of the images is a live image. Use this one if you want to simply run Bodhi from your SD card. The second is an installer image. Simply boot it up, follow the on screen prompts and Bodhi will be installed to the internal SSD of the Smartbook. IMG files allow for simply loading these images onto an SD card with a single command:

sudo dd if=myfile.img of=/path/to/sdcard bs=1M

You can also load the image onto your card via a GUI if you are into that sort of thing. Please note this command may take five minutes or longer to complete. Once you get the system online the user name is "bodhi" with password of "bodhi". Sudo is setup for this user by default.

Next on my ARM todo list is to get our App Center working and putting together a formal tutorial for getting Bodhi running on the HP Touchpad.

Finally, if you run into any issues please let us know in the Genesi section of our forums.

~Jeff Hoogland

The 100th Day of School

The 100th day of school is quickly approaching.
How is that possible? Didn't we just start school the other day?

 Below are some fun sites to use with your kiddos that 
I posted about last year as well as a few 
new ones to help you celebrate this special and fun day! 

100 Owl Grid is a fun interactive game from ABCya.com.
 Children must help the Owl to find his friends. The Owl will tell you a number that represents where his friend is hiding in the number grid. Click on the correct square. 
Be careful...you only have two chances or you will lose his friend!

100 Snowballs is a fun interactive from ABCya.com. Simply touch and drag the snowballs to create your own image, as long as you use 100 snowballs. If your class is reading 100 books, add a snowball as a way keep up with how many books the class has read throughout the day.

Give the Dog a Bone is a fun game that works great on the Smart Board. The object is to find 10 hidden bones on the 1-100 number square in less than a minute. A fun challenge for the 100th day!

Starfall has a cute 100th day of school book that would 
be great to show to your class on your Smart Board.

Mathwire's 100 Days of School activity page is full of fabulous math activities.  One of my favorites includes the 100 ways to represent 100 activity.

This fabulous People in Order video includes 100 different people
 who are arranged according to their age, starting from age 1.
{wouldn't it be fun to make your own?}

Below are some 100th Day of School Printables

From ABCTeach

From Starfall
From Scholastic

Find tons of great links to 100th Day of School boards on Pinterest here! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Review: ExhibitView for iPad

Reprinted with permission from the Jan.11, 2012 issue of Law Technology News. ©2011 ALM Media Properties, LLC.

Author’s Note: I’veadded some additional screen shots and info to this blog version.

I’ve had many people ask, “When will TrialDirector have an iPad app?” The last time I discussed itwith InData, they had looked into the idea but felt that it may not be worththe investment to develop an iPad app. They were, however, exploring remotecontrol possibilities, using an app such as LogMeIn Ignition to control thefull-featured PC version of TrialDirector over a Wi-Fi network.

William Roach, developer of PC-based ExhibitView software,decided it was worth his time to develop an iPad app for ExhibitView. By addingExhibitView iPad to their productline, the company has become the first trial presentation software company tooffer a software application for both the PC and the iPad. Roach says, “Specificallywe wanted to be in the iPad space because of all the excitement. We reallythought about how we could enhance the value of our PC brand and not circumventits sales. With the majority of law firms still having PC’s and everyonegetting iPads, we felt it was a very deliberate strategic move.”

ExhibitView is  alsodeveloping a version of its trial presentation software for the Google Androidand Apple Mac operating system. This aggressive development strategy is encouraging to gadget-mindedlitigators. Although I don’t have an Android tablet, I would love to compare ExhibitViewon Android  with the iPad version once itis released. For now, I will settle on a standalone review of the ExhibitViewon the iPad.

After several years of battling for market-share with thelikes of TrialDirector and Sanction, ExhibitView iPad joins the ranks of TrialPad,Evidence, and ExhibitA in the iPad apps for trial presentation space. For the purpose of thisarticle, I will not review the PC version of ExhibitView, although I will saythat users of the software will find themselves at home with ExhibitView iPad, whichhas  a similar look and feel to the PCapplication. In fact, the PC version of ExhibitView has just added a newfeature, “Save as iPad,” which exports an entire case in ExhibitView on the PC toa file that can be imported without modification into the iPad app.

At the current introductory price of $29.99 (regularly$69.00, or free with purchase of ExhbitView PC version),  ExhibitView falls in the mid-range for trialpresentation apps. In the “Wild West” iPad app development game, price does notnecessarily indicate value. It seems that setting a price point for an app is (orat least was) something of an experiment, which Roach and ExhibitViewbenefitted from by coming to the table, or iPad,  late.

Opening ExhibitView iPad brings up a screen which features aDropbox link icon. One of the first things you’ll need to do is set up a Dropbox account, because that is theonly way to get exhibits and files onto the iPad and into the app. But don’tfret, Dropbox still has free accounts with a maximum of 2 gigabytes of diskspace allocation. Once you establish an account and link it to the app, you’llhave full access to all of your exhibits stored in Dropbox.

From Dropbox, you may choose individual files or entirefolders to download to the iPad. This can make it very quick and easy to importan entire case file into the app, which you’ve assembled on your PC (or via theSave as iPad feature in ExhibitView). Although file transfer via iTunes is notsupported, connecting via cable to your laptop every time you need to updateexhibits in a case is not a very practical method during a trial.

Another nice feature on the home screen is the Help button.The help file does a nice job at covering the basics, although you couldprobably just jump right in and start using the app by creating a new case,adding exhibits, and trying out all of the tools and features.

Although ExhbitView iPad works in either landscape orportrait mode, which allows for 360 degree iPad rotation, I would recommendusing landscape mode because of the added real estate available to see andselect files listed on the left-hand side of the iPad.

The app handles several file types, but I encourage you towork with PDF files. I tested PDF, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint files;  JPEG and PNG images;  and MP4 video. Other than graphic layersgetting a bit whacked in PowerPoint (I’ve seen formatting issues in other apps,and would generally recommend converting exhibits to PDF anyway), it all workednicely, including the Word document. I did, however, notice an issue indisplaying the proper (full screen) image with native PowerPoint and Word. Although.pptx and text files showed up in the file list, they are not supported, anddid not display. In a trial presentation app, it would certainly be helpful tohandle a text file, with options to work with transcripts.

A nice feature I like about ExhibitView’s “database” view isthat there are tabs which will automatically filter and sort exhibits by filetype for you: Documents, Images, A/V Media, and All (to show everything in yourevidence collection).

Connecting the external monitor when the app is runningautomatically connects the iPad, displaying the ExhibitView logo, howeveryou’ll still need to hit the “On-Off” button to begin sending images. Note thatthis button indicates the current state: not what will happen when you tap it.In other words, if you tap the red “Off” button, it turns the presentation on,and then the button turns green, and reads “On.” Maybe it’s just me, but thisseemed a bit counter-intuitive for what appears to be an active buttonsoliciting a state change. Once I tapped “On,”  the screen goes to a blank (no logo) dark graycolor, ready to display an exhibit.

The presentation features are nice and the app handles thetwo most important features nicely – Callout Zoom and Highlight, with highlightsappearing a natural, transparent yellow. Although you can only have one activecallout, you can move the callout around and even leave it in place when youscroll to another page of your exhibit.

You can use a pinch-zoom gesture to zoom in on an exhibit andadd a Callout on top of the pinch-zoom, and even highlight the Callout. You canrotate the image (probably should have done that ahead of time anyway) and use astraight-line or free-drawing pen, which you may set to a desired color andthickness. I noticed that the free-draw pen formed a series of short, straightlines (rather than actual curved lines) when attempting to draw a circle. Thereare Undo and Redo annotations buttons, an Eraser to remove part of anannotation, and a Print (Adobe AirPrint) button.

There is also a nice “Screen Lock” feature, which disablesall of the file access options and allows you to  hand the iPad to a witness to use like a “John Madden” Telestratordevice (yup, just realized, there’s an app for that, football fans). When your witness is donemarking up the document, you can use the snapshot button to capture the imagein .png format. The flexibility of the iPad would permit you to do this “live”in front of the jury, by keeping it plugged into the system, or you couldeasily disconnect, save the work, and then reconnect to show the completedwork. This could even be a valuable feature when used in conjunction with othertrial presentation software. At least (in my opinion), it beats the heck out ofthose clunky touch-screen monitors.

In addition to all of the annotation and presentationfeatures, you can display two exhibits side-by-side, and annotate or zoom in oneach one.

Many of the differences between ExhibitView PC andExhibitView iPad are actually a result of the limited functionality of the iPaditself. You simply cannot build and manage a complex database on an iPad – atleast not in a practical manner. Also, you’ll enjoy a far greater degree ofspeed and accuracy when using a mouse and keyboard (compared to a finger, oreven a stylus), as well as the ability to handle most common file types, asopposed to just a few. I’ll always agree that doing almost anything on an iPadlooks cool, but that’s really not all that important in most trials.

I would be comfortable using the ExhibitView app in asmaller matter, but only after thoroughly testing and checking it with all ofmy exhibits. I would look forward to the opportunity to have a witness use theExhibitView iPad app to mark up an exhibit. This could also be a nice tool touse in depositions. I feel that ExhibitView is a real contender in the trialpresentation app space, and if you’re interested now would be the time to getit for just $30. I will close by stating that phenomenalsuccess stories notwithstanding, I still prefer to use my laptops insteadof an iPad for trial presentation.

Kid Resolutions

Last week in each of my classes we discussed resolutions. 
It was a fun discussion where we talked about how resolutions were basically a goal- 
something people wanted to do {like exercising more} 
or wanted to stop doing {like biting their nails}. 

After a long discussion about realistic goals, 
each of my students chose a goal for 2012. 

Below are a few of my favorites:

I'm going to not blame my sister.

To not hit my brother. 

Get ripped. 
{A 4th grader getting ripped? So funny!}

Not get annoyed by Brandon. 
{I don't know Brandon but this cracked me up!}

I would like to stop messing with my mom while she's working.

This is my favorite! 
My resolution is to sometimes follow all the rules at home. 

I love my kids!