Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome Boing Boing Readers

Welcome Boing Boing readers and thanks for taking a minute to look around my blog. I generally focus on science, technology, and DIY topics although there's more here than that. Please use the links to the bottom right or type a topic such as "animal" or "DIY" to get to some interesting subjects.

Is your organization looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? Visit

Also, here are links to some of my favorite NFTTU posts:

1000 Dead Men:
A description of the Gerry Report, perhaps the most grotesque bureaucratic report in all of American history.

The 10 Best North American Geek Fests
A link to a recent article I wrote for Wired Magazine

The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Robotic Combat
Remember Robot Wars? Many are still at it.

Hollywood's Catapult Warrior
Orlando Bloom's catapult fetish.

Celebratory Gun Firing: Good Idea or Not?
What goes up, must come down. A lot of comments on this one.

Nitric Acid Acts Upon Trousers
Ira Remsen, a chemist with a great sense of humor.

Fun With Jet Engines
Cool video.

Dippy Bird Power
My idea to end the energy crisis.

Navy Swimmer Nullification Program
A bizarre government defense program comes to light

My Name is Bond; Covalent Bond
Chemistry sets ain't what they used to be.

Water Bears - The World's Toughest Animal
Fun with tartigrades.

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