Monday, January 22, 2007

Introducing Arthur Cockfield

Thank you to Greg Mandel for a week of very interesting posts! It is my great pleasure to introduce Arthur Cockfield. Art is Associate Dean and Associate Professor at Queen’s University Faculty of Law in Canada. He received his J.S.D. and J.S.M. from Stanford Law School, his LL.M. from Queens University and his B.A. from the University of Western Ontario.

Art writes in the areas of law and technology, privacy and and tax. Among his recent and forthcoming publications are a book titled; Technology, Privacy and Justice (co-edited with Lisa Austin) (forthcoming Montreal: Editorial Themis 2007); Protecting the Social Value of Privacy in the Context of State Investigations Using New Technologies, University of British Columbia Law Review (forthcoming 2007) and Towards a Law and Technology Theory, 30 Manitoba Law Journal 383 (2004). Art has also authored a novel titled: The End.

Seeing Art’s article Toward a Law and Technology Theory on SSRN about a year and a half ago made me realize that there are several of us in different countries who are writing and thinking about these issues and that it would be helpful to open a dialogue between this emerging group of scholars. Art was one of the participants in the Law & Society panel from which this symposium originated. This week, he is going to discuss his paper: A Synthetic Theory of Law and Technology, which he is co-authoring with Jason Pridmore. I am sure this will prove to be a very interesting week.

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